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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

CRAFTivities: Speaking Of Feelings


I have had this idea for months and months and it's FAR from complete but I wanted to share with you some of the basic idea and the resources since we are talking about feelings.

The chart you see in the background I found HERE
You can also find a great daily chart for identifying feelings HERE

So here is what we are doing and where we plan to go with this:
  • I printed 2 charts and laminated them then cut them out.
  • Zorro Glued them to the sticks
  • We are in the process of making a hanging "chart" for him to place up to 3 feelings in at a time. Since I don't have a sewing machine, I am just using glue and felt (for now).What I would like to do is make a large chart to slip each feeling into. IF ANYONE CAN SEW AND WOULD LIKE OT MAKE ONE FOR US I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER ;)
  • Zorro will also decorate it himself and I will add a few more touches to it.
For the second chart we are identifying them by playing a match game with left over feeling from the first chart.

This all is pretty far from my original idea but my brilliance left when I waited too long to put into action! OOPS! I hope to expand on this and incorporate some other ideas eventually. He has already begun to identify some feelings.

NOW GO OVER TO 1+1+1=1 and BEG her to make a Tot Book!!! And while you're at it, if you haven't heard of her amazing and inspiring Tot School check it out! You won't be sorry!

If you have ideas or posts TELL ME or put your link in comments!!

THEME/SCHOOL BOX- Our planned curriculum for the week
CRAFTivities -Crafts and activities
FIELD TRIP- Theme related outings in Orange County, CA


1. Ticia said...

That could be a fun one to play bingo with! My kids have just gotten into bingo recently, and they are loving it.
Also, love the little feelings pouch, it kind of looks like a bed to me.

2. DairyQueen said...

I have been wanting to do something like this. I think it would be especially helpful for my older daughter who can be a bit moody :) I love the way you've done it!

3. valentine said...

what a cute idea!

4. Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is pretty neat! It's also great in building vocabulary and tuning into one's feelings. Thanks for the links!

5. Carisa said...

What great resources, thanks for sharing!!!

6. Lori said...

1+1+1=1 shared this with us and led me here. This is an excellent idea I plan on implementing with my daughter who has special needs. Thanks so much for sharing it. I will keep checking back to see what other great stuff your blog has to offer!

7. Kela said...

This is the cutest blog i've come across in a while! I found you through 1+1+1=1. Thanks for sharing your "feelings".
Can't wait to browse the rest of your site!

8. Sheena said...

I've been planning doing a theme week with my daughter all about herself, meaning physically, emotionally, etc. I came across ABC Teach which has a theme unit on it about emotions. Here are a few links.
I am going to use the emotions journal with my LO, but she is three and can talk really well. I just came to your site from 1+1+1=1 so I don't know how old your son is right now.

This one has some clipart like you already have, but I thought I'd link it anyway.

Hope this helps!

9. Cindy said...

This is awesome. I so plan to use this when I start tot school this fall.

10. Chic Mama said...

I LOVE this and can't wait to use it with my son! Great find!

11. Jolene (South Africa) said...

Carissa sent me over. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm going to start pestering her for that Tot book now ;)

12. Mozi Esme said...

Thanks for this! We're actually on "F" and feelings just today!

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