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Thursday, June 25, 2009


I started the day out like any other, just checking my email then my life changed thanks to SPAM mail!

I learned that If I “can’t make her happy” I can “grow 1 inch per week!” SWEET! And that’s BEFORE my penis enlargement!! Which I am getting from the place that drew me in by their line, “not only can you make your tool look bigger, you can actually make it bigger.” I trust them.

To pay for it I got “pre approved for a MasterCard” and won a “Microsoft prize” of somewhere in the billions of dollars range. I think it’s just wonderful how giving Bill Gates is that he would give me so so much money! I am also the “beneficiary of $50 million” from who knows who. Pretty awesome!

After my surgery I get to go to the “Caribbean” for the “sweepstakes” I won to relax and meet up with “Arturo” who “wants to get kinky with me.”

But my life is not without problems. “Tiento Bonito” got mad at me because I forgot I was supposed to “meet up him last night.” I totally get around!

I also got about 6 emails from people all over the world who are in dire need of all of my new money because of major tragedies who I don't know. I just have to transfer them each about a million dollars hopefully they will leave me alone.

But screw them all because in the end I am going to talk to “Mary” about the “adoption of her puppies.” Plus I am starting the “Acai Berry Diet” which I KNOW is going to be the one to work for me.

My life ROCKS! Don't be jealous.

Thank you SPAMers of the world for making my life awesome!
Quotes are all from my SPAM mail.

What was your SPAMalot day like?


1. Tamara Dawn said...

LOL I hate Spam. I love my junk filter haha

You are up late like me - but you are in the middle of a move so you are much braver than I am!!

2. Alicia said...

Lol...ok I totally thought that you were gonna post about SPAM the food!! Arturo huh?? Dang girl! I never get SPAM...but now I wish I did!

3. Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

my gmail doesn't get spam cuz its awesome like that but my yahoo mail even with filters or blocks or whatever still gets loaded with it.

4. Alicia said...

btw...i left you an award...

5. Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

I hate spam, love your blog thanks for commenting on mine! Wakeful kids are torture aren't they?
Collette x

6. Unknown said...

You crack me up!

7. Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

Stopping by from SITS...I support handmade too!

8. FancyPants said...

Was sent over here by "The Big Cheese" Alicia, so glad she did. I can't wait to dig in and read more! I'm lovin the necklace so put me down for one. :) OR just tell me where I can find somin similar.

9. Ticia said...

Mine looks a lot like yours. I too have latin men mad at me for standing them up and offers for body parts I do not possess. I especially like the ones that tell me I've inherited a large fortune from someone I've never heard of, but if I send thenm money they'll send me back lots.

10. Valerie said...

Now that was a funny post...I don't care who you are!

11. Keri said...

what a fun life you live!!!! i am sorry but i am jealous!!! :)
i use gmail so i don't get spam very much.... when i do it is just to let me know that i won millions from a different country- i wish it was for real!!!

12. Valerie McClintick said...

Sounds like we have the same fans! LOL, I have Yahoo too.

I'm glad I went pee before reading your post, I laughed so hard I almost woke my kids up!


13. Miller Moments said...

Okay, you are too funny!

14. Eve said...

Wow - you really are a lucky girl! And all of this greatness in just one day? Just wait till tomorrow! ;)

Oooh - now I can hardly wait to go check out my own email. I can hardly hope to be as lucky as you, but maybe, just maybe I might at least have an opportunity for the 1 inch of growth per week... or maybe I'll have received another fantastic opportunity to "work from home" for the low, low investment cost of only $5,000!

... One can hope and dream.

15. thatgirlblogs said...

All I know is Publishers Clearing House has MONEY for ME! Squeeeee!

16. The Blonde Duck said...

I have princes in Africa willing to make me a princess if I send them all the money I don't spend on Vigra and porn videos.

17. Unknown said...

I hate spam! And it is so embarrassing at work. My employees get tons of it every day and so do I. Stopping by from SITS to leave some Thursday bloggy love!

18. Jennifer said...

Haha, well said girl! I HATE spam!

19. FallnAngel said...

I love my junk filter/file. come to think of it, I wonder how many are in there. *off to check spam mail*

20. Unknown said...

**Gasp** I get those same emails too! What are we to do?? lol Love your blog!

21. beth said...

found you through your nominations on project mommyhood's blog. now, i'm hooked! love your blog!

22. mommytoalot said...

LMAO..thanks for making me litterlly laugh out loud this fine Saturday morning!!

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