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Friday, October 1, 2010

CRAFTivities! Slime

'Tis the season to celebrate scary and gross right?

I thought a great way to kick off Halloween month might be to get a little SLIMY

Here's a fabulous and increadibly simple recipe for slime ala Martha Stewart:

Tools and Materials2 mixing bowls
Warm water
Elmer's glue
1/4 teaspoon unsweetened Kool-Aid or 4 to 8 drops liquid food coloring
Craft stick

Slime How-To1. Mix together 1/3 cup warm water, 1/2 cup Elmer's glue, and Kool-Aid or food coloring. Stir thoroughly with craft stick; set aside.
2. Mix together 3/4 cup warm water and 2 teaspoons Borax. Stir thoroughly with craft stick; pour into mixture one, stirring continuously.
3. Remove glob from bowl and work in your hands for 2 to 3 minutes. Store in resealable plastic bag or air-tight container.
Tip: If mixture starts to dry out, pour a small amount of water over it and knead for 2 to 3 minutes before returning to a tightly sealed container.


1. Ticia said...

I need to do this, I bet my kids would love it! I've even bought the Borax to do it.

2. Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

This is the same recipe I use to make with my preschool students. They loved it! I have yet to make it with my daughter.

3. Bobbi said...

I didn't know Martha had a recipe for slime! I should've known better though, Martha has a recipe for everything!

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